Denim denim denim, what can i say?? I love it!!!! I guess denim was part of my fashion all along. I feel so stylish with a denim ensemble. After so many months of trying to find my style. I finally found who I am. A denim chic!!
Anyways, i'm not here to talk about my denim obsession but i am rather here to talk about the filter i used. So i used, the Vsco app, which im pretty sure most of you are aware of. The filter i've been using for the past few weeks is the HB2(+8). It really goes well with any denim ensemble. The filter gives emphasis on it more. In addition to my so called editing skills, i also edit its setting, -2 saturation and +4 tint and +1 exposure. There you have it, My Vsco secret!! So here's more photos of my denim x vsco.
Note that, using my filter isnt necessary. You are free to choose whatever filter you think goes well with your denim ensemble. Just make sure you're doing it your way and your style. I wanna hear what you think. Do comment down!!! xoxo
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
Omg i also use the same filter for my ig pictures. Great style! Love your blog 😍
This filter is really good!! Thanks Antonette! I love your blog as well xoxo