I've been wanting to blog for a long time already. but i never got the chance to spare some time to prepare and write. Also, i have been really thinking whether i am ready to share some ideas and express my feelings. Obviously, i decided to express my passions for writing. Share some of my outfits and how i came up with it. So now, i am ready to get out of the box and hopefully to inspire others who desire to blog someday.
I am Charleen ann Nicole M. Salazar. 19 years old. A proud tamaraw(FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY). I am more of a rocker/rebel chick. I have a big thing for boyish clothes with a little rocker/rebel look. Also, i am a big fan of dark colors. Oh, and my outfit depends on what my mood is. Sometimes, i can go for a geeky chic to hippie chic. I dress all sorts of chic.
Right now, i am still working on my first #ootd post. Stay tune and i will be posting it soon.
There you go, a newbie in action to watch out for.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.