Hi Dolls, I am now consistently posting to keep you guys
up-to-date. So keep on dropping by my blog!! Anyways, my recent look was ROCKER
CHIC. As what i've said i dress and look whatever i want. So expect more
variances in my fashion.
So!! My look is made up of a printed corsette and neoprene
skirt form FAB. I feel so rocker-ish with this look because of the dark shades
that come with it. I added denim jacket to add little spice and to cover up
some of my skin. My smokey-eye complements my outfit that it made me even look
like a rocker chic. Oh, and special thanks to my friend, Harley Grajo for doing
such a great job on my smokey-eye. Btw, this picture was taken at a parking lot
by my one and only, Amiel. Expect him being mention always coz he will be
taking my pictures most of the time. Since, i've mentioned him already, I will
talk about how we bond to make this blog even longer. LOL! One of our bond is
taking photos together, capturing my outfits, Going to places and shoot. Besides cars, he actually enjoys taking photos(That's Why!) and we
have special connection when it comes to taking pictures coz we both love
fashion and photography. Anyways, so much for him, here are the photos of my
Be true to who you are!!!Be whoever you want!!! Dress whatever you want!!! Just ROCK that
outfit!! Thank you for reading xoxo
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